Hello Sekati.

 Hello. I make things.



Commit Data Visualization—Saturday, April 28th, 2012

It can be difficult to express how much effort can go in to a piece of code – it can even be lost on the developer him/herself.  Version control commit logs can be nice, but in retrospect, don’t really help you understand the breadth of your efforts & follies. This sentiment (along with my general

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Leifs Arrival—Thursday, October 6th, 2011

Leif Karaca Horwitz landed ashore of Brooklyn New York on October the 6th of 2011 at precisely 8:21am eastern, carrying a cargo of 8.9 pounds measuring 21 inches from bow to stern. Please welcome this new adventurer ! Flickr Slideshow (constantly updated) Preferred Pronunciation (for those on unsure footing): “Leaf Karaja Horwitz”

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FFFound—Friday, September 2nd, 2011

I discovered this guy on the glass door to our back yard late last night. Best I can tell he’s not  a local; green tree frogs not being indigenous to New York City (not even in the North Slope / Prospect Park) he may have hitched a ride on hurricane Irene. Either way from what we ready he

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Ultrasound Deux—Saturday, August 13th, 2011

At 20 weeks we finally got our 2nd ultrasound & a real look at this little guy (yep; it’s a boy! And nope: we had no urge to wait or be surprised). It was amazing to see live video of him moving, kicking & floating around like an astronaut – sucking his thumb & throwing

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Ultrasound—Tuesday, March 8th, 2011

Ceren & I found out she was pregnant shortly after our winter holiday hiatus; she was taking her yoga teachers certification classes & feeling a touch under the weather. Her classmates were super tuned to this stuff apparently & kept insisting she might be pregnant – something neither of us considered during her week long illness;

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